Moving onto our Thanksgiving, I am planning my Thanksgiving Eve meal. We have an important family member that will be joining our dinner for the first time. My grandma that I haven't seen since Elizabeth was 1 years old, will be joining our family (hopefully) in celebration. To say this is normal and shouldn't be a problem, is totally hitting it wrong. There are many variables in the equation and once she gets here, it will be all I can do to keep the peace in my house. I will finally have both my grandma's at dinner and just praying everything goes okay... My Thanksgiving wish is that everything goes okay and we can try a repeat of this at Christmas time at the new house....
Speaking of the house, if you are on my Facebook, you will see the stress that has been. We asked for some repairs to be done (because there was more wrong than meets the eye). The seller asked for an amount without repairs. When we sent both back, he threw a fit and basically went to walk away from the contract. While we went and looked at a few more houses and let the seller cool off, he talked with his wife and agent. we came to an agreement on repairs and now we are onto one of the last things. Now to just get the house appraised and if that goes well, we are onto closing. The kids are excited to be moving into the new house...
Speaking of the kids, E is soo excited Christmas is coming and so is L. E and L have been writing out letters to Santa and so far, their lists are way longer than in years past. We keep telling them they have to narrow those lists down... But, soon we will be sitting down to write out the official letters and getting them up to Santa, so he can fill the order.
Johnny and JJ are both still trying to figure out this potty training stuff. I would sooo love it if they are done before we moved. Sadly, I don't think that is going to happen. Johnny is starting to finally get the hang of it but JJ still is having a hard time.
So, with that all being said, I am off of here. I think a sinus infection is on the brink. I woke up this morning with a very sore throat and no voice (and yes, everyone was happy about that). I had to take a nap and woke up the same way again. I am just not feeling well all around right now. Mike is home until the morning and then he is headed back for the road until Thanksgiving. I will be praying for save travels and hoping he makes it in for my big dinner (if not, I know he is shooting for his mom's dinner)..
Until next time, Happy Thanksgiving Everyone....