Thursday, August 25, 2011

Back to School Time....

School time is back upon us here in the Rasnake household. E goes into 2nd grade and L started K this year. They started back last week and so did I. Summer school kicked my tail and I am starting to breath easier, now that fall semester is upon me. Of course, this is not saying it is any easier, just the older kids are in school.

E is soo excited to see her friends again. She was upset that she still doesn't have the same teacher as one of her friends and that her bus driver has changed but she is rolling with the punches and is happy with the new driver and her current classmates. The only issue we are having right now is that she is having issues with not getting her work done fast enough and is missing recess because she has to take that time to do her work. Hopefully that will change in the future...

L is overjoyed with school. She is excited to be riding the bus with her Sissy and she loves school. So far, no tags have been pulled (tags are demerits if the child gets in trouble that they must pull).

So, to move on to the twins. As you can see J&J have started potty training. Not to say that it is going well but at least they are sitting on the potties without crying and they have went a few times. But, nothing consistently yet..

J&J do start preschool this year (hopefully, I am still waiting on the paperwork for the first day information). But, as long as everything stays okay, they will be going 3 days a week for 3 hours a day. Hopefully this will give me time to get house and school work done...

So, we are still here and going. Hopefully everything will calm down in our household. Hubby got some a great truck 2 weeks ago thanks to his company. He is sitting in a either 2011-2012 brand new 18-wheeler, that isn't giving him transmission troubles like his previous truck. He headed out this morning for Florida even.

I am getting the hang of having 2 kids up and bus ready by 7am and getting my course work done for school. I am taking a full-course load this semester and planning to talk with the Dean over at East Campus about what I need to do, to get my Masters degree in CJ. Just taking it one semester at a time and trying to get my AAS first.

Well, gotta get back to the kids, until next time...

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